Cool looking site
My friends and I are literally around my laptop discussing the design choices.
We like the overall look and feel of the site. Personally, I am suspicious about how ELO seems to work - the GM can choose what ELO system to use of 3 methods? Seems like an opportunity to farm for ELO if not controlled or the 3 methods are not recorded separately.
I would love to see a "stock market" play mode where turns are submitted between certain hours. E.g. a game accepts orders between the hours of 5PM and 10PM at 1 hr intervals. I think this feature would make Diplomacy more playable overall for middling turn intervals. I seem to only ever see games get played on "extreme" intervals on other sites, like 5-minute blitzes for a few hours or 1 order a day for several weeks. You don't see intervals of 1 hour because what if someone stays up over night?
Just realized I'm the first post except for a dev, lol
"Stock market mode" is great...
... I'm going think this through. So we can play blitz or rapid games while having a real life 😂.
About the ELO: Yes, GM chooses rating system, the system is transparent for users before joining the game. That's the idea.
With farming rating points you mean creating fake users, making them loose in 'winner takes all' games to push your 'real' account? Sure, that's possible. As far as I understand it, doing three sparate ratings would change that only gradually since farming can be done in each rating system. - in WTA it's just simpler and quicker to do. It's a bit a tradoff between keeping things simple and having a positive effect.
And technical solutions trying to avoid multi accounts (checking for identical IP's or MAC addresses) are easy to bypass - and come with unintended side effects.
Aside of 'invite only games' and federations, I see no other policy to protect the community from itself.
"Stock Market" mode
... is implemented.
check here for details
Thanks for the idea!